Step 5 – Hard Labor on the Rock Pile
(If you’d like to follow this project from the beginning you can start at Step 1 here)
Step 5 of Rear Garden Design Project.
September 2000
If anyone had ever told me that I would be sentenced to hard labor on a rock pile I would have mocked them. Welcome to my life.

- The garden rocks begin to accumulate in the dry stream bed from months of gardening

On the program, “Inside the Actor’s Studio“, James Lipton asks ten questions at the end of his interview with the guest artist. Two of those questions are:
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
- What profession would you not like to do?
My answer to the second is instantly and consistently: Ditch Digger.
I then remember that I’m a gardener and I dig ditches and holes all the time.

- Nobody could pay me enough to do this backbreaking work but I’m doing it in my own garden for free

I guess I would also have to include working hard labor on the rock pile under professions I would not like to do.
Go to Step 6 – Stone Walled. Rethinking the Project