Step 14 – Selecting and Ordering a Garden Bridge
(If you’d like to follow this project from the beginning you can start at Step 1 here)
Step 14 of Rear Garden Design Project.
I searched online to find a garden bridge to replace our nine-year-old “temporary” bridge and I found a good selection at:
I measured across the dry streambed to determine the length I needed to cross the span. The website had very good information about the span size and other stats I needed to make my selection.
It was important to have a bridge that was the right scale for the project, a Goldilocks bridge, not too small, not too big, just right.
I ordered it online with the added options of stainless steel screws and 2 Coats Cedar Stain/Sealer to ensure greater longevity. This bridge has to last a lot longer then the temporary one did.
The boxes arrived by UPS and when I unpacked them I checked the parts list to make sure everything was there. It was complet I’m happy to say.

- The bridge parts arrived well packaged and easily inventoried

We dismantled the “temporary” bridge that was always such a joy to the grandchildren on a day they weren’t visiting so the work went more smoothly. I thought I’d be nostalgic but I was far too happy to be finally getting a real garden bridge that I didn’t waste a moment dwelling on the past.

- My son Michael helped to dismantle the nine year old “temporary” bridge

Go To Step 15 – Building the Garden Bridge