(If you’d like to follow this project from the beginning you can start at Step 1 here)
Step 12 of Rear Garden Design Project.
March, 2009
I’ve been writing for awhile about the 10 year project of designing and building the rear entry project of stone walls, steps and a dry stream bed. We finally have our hardscaping done. Whew!

- This Taxus x media was in this location on the property when I moved in 20 years ago.

During the 20 years that I’ve lived on this property so many of the trees and shrubs have grown, some have matured and some are in decline. I’ve been trimming a massive yew (Taxus x media), over and over each year to try to keep it contained within the scale of the property.

- Sometimes a gardener has to make the tough decision to eliminate in order to renovate

Once the walls were installed and I began to enjoy the prospect of planting it became abundantly clear that the yew had outgrown its beauty and positive contribution to the garden. I gritted my teeth and ordered the removal of this venerable shrub since it was far too old and large for transplanting. I was quite saddened by the loss and yet I knew it was the right decision.
The sun shined brightly on the day it was removed on March 12, 2009 and I could see immediately that the removal of this outsized and very dark green hulk opened up the space to new and youthful opportunities.

- After the initial shock whore off I was sure I’d made the right design decision to open up the space for new planting ideas

Now if I can only figure out what I want to put there…
Go To Step 13 – Replacing the Garden Bridge